
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Please support me in this Run for H2O!

Please support me in this Run for H2O! Event is on June 6th at Riverfront Park in Burnaby.

To sponsor me in this 10km run, please click on the link below!

I have decided to support the RunForH2O event on Saturday, June 6th 2015, a 5KM or 10KM run in South Vancouver to bring hope to poor families in Guatemala without access to clean water. The low availability of drinking water and sanitation is one of the biggest contributing factors to rural poverty in Guatemala. Farming families rely on rain to grow food, and there are long periods of drought each year without rain to water the soil. Women and children walk up to three or four hours each day to fetch scares water from streams for drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. This water is dirty and causes frequent illness and death from waterborne disease. Children, especially girls, are unable to go to school because they need to fetch water each day. Life is a daily struggle for survival.

A different life and future is possible for the families. Each $100 helps provide one person with access to clean water for the rest of their life. I would like to help at least 2 people in Guatemala get access to clean water this year.

Your gift means a new life marked by hope for some of the most marginalized, vulnerable indigenous people in Guatemala. Would you consider helping to bring hope and life to a child, a mother, or a family in Guatemala by making a financial gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or however much you may be able to give?

All donations go to HOPE International Development Agency, a locally-based charity with 95 cents of every dollar raised going directly to projects overseas. All contributions of $20 or more are tax deductible. Please make all cheques payable to HOPE International Development Agency.

To learn more, please visit

Thank you for your generosity; it is greatly appreciated.

With much gratitude for your support,
